I arrive in Hanoi wondering what I’ll find. I mean, my country bombed the hell out of these people 45 years ago, in a war that most, including Robert McNamara, admit was a horrific mistake. Hanoi. From the time I was 7 years old until, really, 17, the Vietnam war was always on our mind. Walter Cronkite reporting body counts nightly. War protests in Ann...
Read MoreI’ve been having so much fun looking around, that I’ve neglected my blog. Sorry gang. I’ll see what I can do about that. I HAVE been putting all my daily stuff on the What I Did page (take a look if you haven’t), but it’s time to start putting up snippets of what’s been going on during this trip. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I landed in Tokyo, and now find myself...
Read MoreAnd….it’s time for another journey! Two years ago I spent a couple months in Peru, and had a predictably amazing time. Now I’m turning my sights to a Round The World Trip starting Summer 2014. My plan is to do some touring and just looking around, some working or volunteering in places for a month or so, some living in a place for a while, and lots...
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