As part of my consulting plan here, I decided to look at my clients processes to see if we can do some redesign. Tooth whitening has always had an allure to me, for some reason I really don’t want to get into here, so I signed up to get my choppers whitened as a way to learn the process. The idea of Medical Tourism has also intrigued me too. What did I...
Read MoreI arrive in Hanoi wondering what I’ll find. I mean, my country bombed the hell out of these people 45 years ago, in a war that most, including Robert McNamara, admit was a horrific mistake. Hanoi. From the time I was 7 years old until, really, 17, the Vietnam war was always on our mind. Walter Cronkite reporting body counts nightly. War protests in Ann...
Read MoreHaven’t left yet, but it’s getting close, and I’m learning how naive I am (which was totally predicted). Exciting! Here are a few things I’ve learned. 1. US citizens need visas for China and Vietnam, but not Japan or S. Korea. I’m getting my visas through Travisa. I sent all my materials to them (including my original and...
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